About Us

Grove Chronicles

Grove Chronicles is a new and independent publishing house with a strong work ethic and a strive for achievement. We believe books have the ability to connect us, change us and show us worlds beyond our scope. Our goal is to publish unique, high-quality stories that are inclusive for all ages, genders, races and generations. 

Publishing Services

Millions of stories are written every month. Every writer has the same question once they finish their project; What is my next step? That’s why we’re here. Our goal is to help authors get their stories out in the world with no package price involved. Editing, cover design, formatting are all done in-house. You simply need a story worth telling and an appetite for success. 


If you are interested in a one-on-one education course that can assist you with your publishing project, we are here to help. How to market? How to find editors, cover designers, formatters? Any questions you might have, we will be here to answer. 


Our current main focus is historical fiction (romance or not), romance, science fiction, fantasy, and mystery. We currently don’t specialize in poetry and non-fiction books but we can assist with cover design and formatting.